Build Rich Soil For Your Food Forest with Cover Crops

In our last blog, we looked at how water and soil interact in assuring the success of your permaculture property. In this post, we’re going to take a look at how you can revive the soil ecosystem of a depleted suburban lawn as the first step toward creating your food forest. When we began creating our […]

For your inspiration: Sabarmatee

Permaculture Womens Guild

A woman and her father gathered their know-how, investments and time, and turned 90 acres into a lush edible forest. Here’s their story. “Every expert we met discouraged us to take up this mission. No one believed that we could revive such a wasteland through organic methods. But, we made the impossible eventually possible.” A piece of land in Odisha was deteriorating fast, after decades of soil abuse from pesticides, fertilizers and deforestation, it was thought impossible to regenerate it. This father-daughter duo thought that was highly likely to regenerate it with the right measures. Broadly speaking, we’ve seen this…

12 Plants to Grow When Gardening with Children

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Heather Jo Flores By no means an exhaustive selection of great plants for gardening with children, the following twelve plants can all be direct-sown, grow quickly and easily, and are fun to harvest for food, cut flowers, or seeds.​Corn.Popcorn is always a hit with children, and many varieties grow quite well in a home garden. There is also a vast array of interesting Indian corns available, in a rainbow of beautiful colors. Sweet corn is another option, and nothing compares to a fresh ear right out of the garden as a refreshing snack on a September day. Gourds.Small gourds…