We are Stitch (Let’s be Lilo!)

Permaculture Womens Guild

Stitched up as we are I figure we can Lilo it out of here! ​​Recently I read another article about how it’s now considered fact; we are all doomed and sadly no one has a real solution. (Though George Monbiot had the best shot at it apparently so I’m reading the recommended book.) Then, with my mind still on impending apocalypse I sat to have our film slot with Mia, my four year old daughter. She gets to choose. ‘Lilo and Stitch’ is a fun film and portrays the relationship between the duo and how eventually the little girl Lilo assists…

Ascension of Female Traits = Beyond Gender Equality

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Jodie Harburt When women thrive so too can the earth, everything and everyone else. Equality is one of those things that only works multilaterally. We tend to see and approach subjects and issues in isolation, but when it comes to all equality, whether issues of race, gender, wealth or any other form, everything is intrinsically connected. Achievements or failings chalked up in one area are to the benefit or detriment of the whole. Nurture Culture is dependent upon an ability for society to be able to act and live fairly, and nurturing is the compassion that would further propagate and…