How To Make Nasturitum Capers

Nasturtium capers (aka poor man capers) is an easy (so easy) way for us folk in cool temperate climates to grow “pretend capers”, as the real ones need more heat than our climate can offer. Eating local is an effective approach to tackling a range of environmental issues including food miles. Food miles tracks how many miles (or kilometres) your food’s travelled to reach your plate. The more miles, the more energy (more fossil fuels) is required in transportation. So instead of buying capers from the other side of the country or world, we make these punchy nasturtium capers –…

The Hot Box

When it comes to energy efficient hacks, the humble hot box is as simple as it gets. The hot box is exactly what it sounds like, and is how you can cook quite a lot of your food after being initially heated on the stove for a short time. But why bother? Australian households are responsible for around 20% of our country’s greenhouse gas emissions – quite significant. And while we desperately need big industry and government to lead the way in slashing emissions, we can still do our bit in our own context as well. Including in your kitchen.…

6 Hacks For Easy Chook Keeping

If you’re looking to start keeping chickens, or are wanting to tweak and refine your current system, this video is for you. I’ve summarised just six hacks which will transform you and your chicken’s lives and included some more links to other highly useful things you can do in the resources list at the end of this blog. This is the 14th video in our Good Life For All series. Each Monday I’ll pop up a video to help inspire folks in building climate resilience for their homes and communities. More chicken resources The Self-cleaning chook house blog  Gardening Australia:…