Top 5 website metrics that can improve your digital marketing

Keeping track of specific website metrics through a platform like Google Analytics is a great way to get insight into how your target market is interacting with your product or service, and if you’re communicating your value effectively. Here, we’ve picked out the top 5 metrics that you should be tracking on your website, why you should track them, and an idea of benchmark statistics to guide your website performance.

How to build a multi-channel marketing campaign

Multi-channel marketing refers to using a variety of marketing channels to attract customers by thinking carefully about the unique strengths of each marketing channel – whether it be email, websites, social media, video or print – to communicate the value of your brand. Multi-channel approaches are said to increase the effectiveness of your marketing. An Australian-first report by Kantar found that digital advertising works best when used in marketing campaigns that include multiple digital channels and traditional advertising methods, such as print. The report also found that the success of these advertising campaigns was not driven by increased campaign spend,…