‘Active Hope is a Practice’ – a conversation

“Active Hope is about being active participants in bringing about what we hoped for. Active hope is a practice. It is something we do, rather than have. It is a process we can apply in any situation.” ~ Joanna Macy, from her book Active Hope. At the recent Australian Permaculture Convergence, on Paramangk country near…

The post ‘Active Hope is a Practice’ – a conversation appeared first on Milkwood: permaculture courses, skills + stories.

How to Make a Wild Food Map to Forage Your Local Neighbourhood

A wild food map is a simple way to identify and keep track of all the places where edible weeds, feral fruit, medicinal mushrooms and other yum things grow in your local area – so that, come late summer and autumn, many a happy weekend can be spent finding, picking and eating the bounty. Free,…