Permaculture Association - (PDC) Permaculture Design Course

12P Permaculture Design is thrilled to invite you to a two-week Earth Activist Training, offering the internationally-recognised 72-hour permaculture curriculum with an additional focus on social permaculture, organizing tools, and spirit. Come and share a life-changing experience with an intercultural mix of participants!

EAT is an intensive course combining theory with practical hands-on learning. Completion of the course earns participants a Permaculture Design Certificate – the foundation for further permaculture work and study and a prerequisite for the Diploma in Permaculture Design. Participants will learn Permaculture design principles & techniques. The course includes lectures, discussions, hands-on learning, slideshows, and design projects. We will examine the underlying assumptions of the current culture of consumerism and economic globalisation, and encourage exploration of ways to contribute to the emergence of a culture of sustainability, compassion and equity. The PDC core curriculum covers a broad range of subjects to provide a holistic overview of Permaculture systems and sustainable living.

Earth Activist Training (Full PDC) w/ Starhawk(PDC) Permaculture Design CourseStarhawk Cal Vidal S/N 08692 Puig-Reig Barcelona SpainProfile: Alfred Decker


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Noticeboard old Events Courses Jobs Opportunities E-bulletin NoticeboardsCourses Jobs Opportunities and requests Ebulletin Wednesday, 13 April, 2022 - 09:48Contact address: Cal Vidal, Puig-Reig, SpainWebsite: info@12pdesign.net18 July 2022 to 31 July 2022Cost: 1150€ – 1450€ sliding scaleContact name: Alfred Decker